Knowledge Base

User privileges

Article ID: 106
Last updated: 24 Mar, 2011

Any user can read articles, but in order to create articles and to publish them to the knowledgebase, users must have certain privileges.
For example, to actually write articles a user must have author or contributor privileges.

To publish the article for other users to read, they must be in the author, editor or moderator privilege groups. KBPublisher comes with five default privilege groups, and you can also create your own.

There are five default privilege groups.

  • Administrator sets up the system, controls user accounts, designs the site and so on
  • Moderator has access to every part of the system except Settings and Import/export. The moderator generally creates users, organizes categories and manages the knowledgebase on a day to day basis
  • Editor can add, edit and delete their own and other users articles, files, comments and visitors' questions. This is the person responsible for the overall content of the knowledge base.
  • Author provides the actual content. An author can add, edit, delete or publish their own articles and files. When they have completed an article and published it, the article appears immediately in the article list
  • Contributor also provides content, and can add edit or delete their own articles and files but the articles and files do not appear in the knowledgebase immediately. They must be approved by an editor or a moderator. Once an article or file is approved, the contributor can no longer edit it.

You can also create your own privilege groups.

Here is a quick chart of default user types in KBPublisher

KBPublisher quick add

Privilege levels

Each user type has a privilege level. The privilege level defines who can edit users of this level. Users cannot edit other users with a privilege level lower than or equal to their own.

Admin users always have a privilege level of 1. They can edit any other user.  In the standard setup editors have a privilege level of 3, while authors have a privilege level of 4 and contributors 5. This means that an editor could--if he had edit user access--edit author and contributor users while a contributor could not edit any users except other contributors (again, and only if he had edit user access).  None of them can edit admin users.
This gives an extra level of security when editing users.

* Adding comments, rating articles and sending emails to the administrator are all options that can be turned on or off in the settings. Hence while these options are available, they must also be turned on if you wish to use them.

Article ID: 106
Last updated: 24 Mar, 2011
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 19847
Comments: 0
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