Knowledge Base

Add a Category

Article ID: 63
Last updated: 17 Aug, 2015

The quickest way to add a category is to use the Shortcuts menu at the top of your screen.

  • Click on the drop-down menu in the top right of the screen and choose Add new category.

Or you can do it via the Categories tab in the Admin Area

  • Click on the Articles menu
  • Choose the Categories tab
  • Click on Add New.

You can also add a category while you are in the middle of adding an article or a file

  • Edit the article or file
  • Click on the assign categories button (+)
  • Click on Add New Category.

Once you are on the category screen you must complete the following sections:

  • Add a Title. This is the name that will be displayed on the left menu or in any table of contents.
  • Define where it fits in the category hierarchy by choosing a Parent category and an Order. If you don't change these you will add a new top-level category and it will be placed last.

You may also:

  • Change how articles are displayed by specifying a category type
  • Control read and write access through Private and Active
  • Allow users to comment on or rate articles in the category
  • Assign a person to approve articles (Supervisor) for the category

You can find out more about each of these fields and how they work in the Category screen explained.

Article ID: 63
Last updated: 17 Aug, 2015
Revision: 6
Access: Public
Views: 19760
Comments: 0
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