Knowledge Base

Add News Item

Article ID: 241
Last updated: 9 Feb, 2024

The quickest way to add a news item to use the Shortcuts menu at the top of your screen:

  • Click on the drop-down menu in the top right of the screen and choose Add News .

Or you can do it via the News tab in the Admin Area.

  • Click on the News menu
  • Click on Add New.

Once you are on the news screen you must complete the following sections:

  • Add a Date for your news item.
  • Add a Title. This is the heading displayed on the public screen.
  • Type your news item in the Body editing box.
  • Specify whether the news item is Published or not.

The following items are optional:

  • To help users find the news, add Tags.
  • To force users to log on to read the news item, mark it as Private Read.
    To restrict who can edit the news item, mark it as Private Write.
    To make it available only for users who has a link, mark it as Unlisted.
  • To publish or change to not published at a future date, Schedule it.
  • To force users to read the news item, set up the Must Read option.

You can find out more about each of these fields and how they work in The News Screen Explained.

Once your news item is complete:

  • Click Save.

This functionality works in version 3.5 and above

Article ID: 241
Last updated: 9 Feb, 2024
Revision: 5
Access: Public
Views: 7561
Comments: 0
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