Knowledge Base

Automatically Add Local Files

Article ID: 307
Last updated: 9 Feb, 2024

The Directory Rules screen allows you to set up the knowledgebase so that KBPublisher automatically checks the specified directory on the server or on Amazon S3 server every day and adds in KBPublisher links to any new files.

Standard allowed and denied extension rules apply, based on your denied and allowed extensions set in the Files Settings

Note: this option doesn't move files, it adds links in KBPublisher to files on your server. If you move a file from the location KBPublisher linked to, the links to that file in the knowledgebase will be broken. 

To see and manage your directory rules, select Files in the main menu, and then the Directory Rules tab:

If you have a long list of directory rules, you can filter the list by rule status or by the directory the rule applies to, using the fields above the list of rules.

Managing directory rules

Check the checkbox in the Active column for a rule to enable that directory rule. Uncheck the checkbox to disable the rule.

Click the [...] actions icon in the last column of a row to perform one of these actions on the directory rule in that row:

  • Edit - update the rule's information. The fields are the same as when you add a new directory rule – see the descriptions below.
  • Delete - delete the directory rule.

Adding new directory rules

To add a directory rule, click the Add New button. Complete the form that appears:

Rule options:

  • Directory — Choose source Directory or Amazon S3 (if enabled; see the "Allow access to Amazon S3" setting in the Admin tab to enable the Amazon S3 option).
    • For Directory enter the directory on the server. The directory name should be the full server path.
    • For Amazon S3 enter the S3 path in format: bucket_name/prefix/... (prefix is optional).
    • Click [→] to verify that the path is correct. If the path is correct, in popup window, you will see a list of all files in that directory.
  • Parse child directories Check this option to have the rule monitor all sub-directories in the directory. This is selected by default.
  • Description — A description is not required, but you can add one to describe the files that normally appear in the directory, or information about the directory rule that may be useful to other team members.
  • Active — This field is selected by default, and once you save the new directory rule it will run at the next scheduled opportunity. Uncheck this check box to disable the rule. You can also enable and disable a directory rule from the full list of rules, as described above.

File options:

  • Category Add one or more categories to which the links to the new rules this directory rule finds will be added. Click the [+] icon to the right of the field to add a category.
  • Author — By default, the current user's name appears in this field, and will be associated with the link to any file the directory rule adds to the knowledgebase. You can select a different user's name as the author, or opt to have no author name.
  • Tags Tags are search words. If you define a keyword here and a user then searches using that keyword, this file is displayed.
  • Private — By default, the links the directory rule creates are public. Check one or both Read and Write check boxes to control read and write access to the linked file to users with the roles you specify. To make the file available only for users who has a link to the file, select the Unlisted check box. See private read and write.
  • Status — By default, files are set to a status of published, but you can change this to not published.

To test the settings click Test.

Click Save to save the new directory rule. Click Cancel to abandon your edits and close the form.

Article ID: 307
Last updated: 9 Feb, 2024
Revision: 12
Access: Public
Views: 8537
Comments: 0
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