Knowledge Base

Bulk add or update custom fields

Article ID: 350
Last updated: 28 Jul, 2019

To bulk add or update custom fields, log on to the and Admin area and then:

  1. If you are updating:
  • an article custom field, click on the Articles menu
  • a file custom field, click on the Files menu
  • a news custom field, click on the News menu
  • a feedback custom field, click on the Feedback menu
  1. By default, the listing displays all custom fields that are not assigned for specfic categories.
    To see fields assigned to a specific category, select the category you wish to search on.  This displays all custom fields for the category, plus any custom fields that are not assigned to a specific category.
  2. Select the items whose custom fields you wish to update.
  3. Choose Set custom fields from the Actions with selected drop-down.

This brings up a second drop-down box for you to select from.

  1. If you wish to:

Remove any custom fields set:

  • Choose remove all custom fields from the second drop-down box
  • Click OK

Update a single custom field:

  • Choose the custom field from the second drop-down box
  • This brings up the fields associated with the category beneath the drop-down
  • If the field is not currently associated with the item(s), this brings up a check-box add to existing
  • If you wish to add the field to the selected items, check this box
  • Update the field as required
  • Click OK to save the change

Update all the custom fields at the one time:

  • Choose set all custom fields from the second drop-down box
  • This brings up the fields associated with the category beneath the drop-down
  • Update fields as required
  • Click OK to save the changes.
Article ID: 350
Last updated: 28 Jul, 2019
Revision: 9
Access: Public
Views: 4319
Comments: 0