Knowledge Base

Bulk update news items

Article ID: 243
Last updated: 5 May, 2021

KBPublisher allows you to bulk update news items to:

  • Publish news items or set them to not published
  • Make news items private or public
  • Schedule news items
  • Set custom fields
  • Set news status
  • Delete news items

You can do this direct from the News menu, News tab.

KBPublisher bulk update news items

To update the news items:

  • Check one or more news items to update
  • Choose the appropriate action from the drop down list of actions with selected
  • This brings up further options to select from according to the action chosen. Choose the appropriate selection
  • Click OK.


  • Bulk actions available depend on your user access.
    For example if your privilege does not allow you to delete items, or allows you to only delete articles that you have created, then there is no 'Delete' action in the list of options. If your privilege does not allow you to update items, or allows you to only update items you have created, then this menu will not be available for you at all.

This functionality works in version 3.5 and above

Article ID: 243
Last updated: 5 May, 2021
Revision: 5
Access: Public
Views: 6368
Comments: 0