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Saul Ansbacher | 1 Dec, 2009 11:00 AM
By default catdoc is not available for Windows, however a Win32 version can be downloaded here:
I tested it and it appears to work just fine.

Also I got errors for both xpdf and catdoc when trying to put the paths in (be it in c:\path\xpdf\ or c:/path/xpdf/ format), the error was:
"Warning: system() [function.system]: Unable to fork"

The solution was to add the Internet Guest Account (IUSR) to CMD.EXE as per:

This may open up a security hole, I tried changing PHP into Safe Mode and limiting the safe_mode_exec_dir in PHP.INI but it didn't seem to have any effect even after an IISRESET.
Posted: 1 Dec, 2009 11:00 AM
onesign | 18 Dec, 2010 2:11 PM
We installed XPDF on Mac using port, instead pdftotext , it creates xpdf-pdftotext file so to make it working we have to make symbolic link.

$ sudo port install xpdf
$which xpdf
$ cd /opt/local/bin
$ ln -s xpdf-pdftotext ./pdftotext
Posted: 18 Dec, 2010 2:11 PM
onesign | 5 Mar, 2012 8:48 AM
We have just installed it from source on linux

[root@host ~]# cd ~
[root@host ~]# wget
[root@host ~]# tar -xzf xpdf-3.03.tar.gz
[root@host ~]# cd xpdf-3.03
[root@host ~]# ./configure
[root@host ~]# make
[root@host ~]# make install


[root@host ~]# cd ~
[root@host ~]# wget
[root@host ~]# tar -xzf catdoc-0.94.2.tar.gz
[root@host ~]# cd catdoc-0.94.2
[root@host ~]# ./configure
[root@host ~]# make
[root@host ~]# make install
Posted: 5 Mar, 2012 8:48 AM