Knowledge Base

Customizing article display options

Article ID: 101
Last updated: 29 May, 2019

You can customize how and where articles are displayed in the Settings > Public Area > Articles tab.

Look & Feel

In this area you can specify

  • Number of articles per page - Set how many articles appear per page. If there are more articles than the number you set, KBPublisher provides navigation so the reader can move from page to page of the display.
  • Sort articles by - Choose an option for the default order by which articles are sorted.
  • Featured articles in a category Set how many "featured articles" appear for each category. Set the field to 0 to remove this feature.
  • Display 'Also listed in' - Set to yes to show a list of other categories in which the article is listed. Set to no to disable this feature.
  • Others in this category - Set how many links to other articles in this article's category to display when the user is reading the article. Set to "None" to disable the feature.
  • Display Prev / Next navigation - Set whether and in what conditions you want to display previous / next navigation for articles in this article's category.
  • Category columns - Set how many columns to use to display the articles in a category.
  • Article ID zero padding - If you use an article title prefix (see the next field) you can set here the number of zeros with which to pad a short ID. If you set the padding number to 3, for example, and you have and article with ID 1000  ID 1 will show up as 0001 to provide a display that is easier to read.
  • Article title prefix pattern - You can opt to prefix each article title with a pattern that can include the article's ID. For example, presume your article with ID 1 has the title "Welcome to our knowledgebase":
    • 'Q{$entry_id}:' would cause the article to appear in the list as "Q1: Welcome to our knowledgebase".
    • 'Q{$entry_id}:' | Q{$entry_id} - {$entry_type}: ' would behave as above if the article does not have an entry type. If its entry type were "intro", for example, it would appear in the list as "Q1 - intro: Welcome to our knowledgebase".
  • Display Article ID  - Whether to display Article ID, last updated date at the top of an article.


In this section you can control whether and how comments display.

  • Allow add comments - Select whether to prevent comments, to let only registered users add comments, or let all readers add comments. If you prevent comments in this field, the rest of the fields in this section are ignored.
  • Enable visual confirmation - Specify whether to use a CAPTCHA confirmation to prevent robotic spam comments. You can require no CAPTCHA confirmation, confirmation for non-registered users, or confirmation for all users adding comments.
  • Comment approval policy - Specify whether comments must be approved before they are added to the knowledgebase. YOu can accept all comments without approval, require approval only for non-registered users' comments, or require approval of all comments.
  • Comment subscription - Specify whether registered users can request a notice to be sent when a comment is added to a particular article.
  • Number of comments per page - Select the number of comments to appear per page. If the number of comments is larger than the number you specify here, navigation allows readers to move through the pages of comments.
  • Display comments on the article page - Check this check box to have comments appear on the same page as the article. If this option is not selected, a link appears to a separate comments page.
  • Signature format for commenter - Specify how the commenter's signature appears at the end of the comment. Options include [first_name], [last_name], [middle_name], [short_first_name], [short_last_name], [short_middle_name], [username], [email], [phone], [user_id]. You can use multiple tags to construct a signature, such as "[first_name] - ID [user_id]".


You can let users rate articles in your knowledgebase with these settings:

  • Allow rate articles - Check this check box to let users rate articles.
  • Rating type - Set the type of rating display as stars or text.


  • Allow feedbacks - Check this check box to let visitors to send feedback, rating comments, report an article issues, etc..


  • Allow social sharing - Enable this option to allow visitors to share content on social networking sites.
  • Social networking sites - This options allows to manage list of social networking sites.
  • Allow email sharingCheck this check box to let visitors sharing article via email.

Article preview format

In this section set preview options for an article. This is what the user sees before clicking to view the article itself.

  • Article character limit - Set how many text characters, starting from the start of the first sentence in the article, display in the preview. Set this to 0 to display no extract from the article.
  • Display updated date - Select this option to display when the article was most recently updated.
  • Display rating - Select this option to display the article's rating.
  • Display number of comments - Select this option to display the number of comments this article has.
  • Display number of views - Select this option to display the number of views this article has had.

Article information block

In this section set the information that appears when the user opens the article.

  • Block position - Set whether the article information block, with information such as the article's ID and when it was last updated, appears to the right or at the bottom of the article.
  • Display Article block - Select this option to display the article information block.
  • Display Private block - Select this option to display private, role-protected information.
  • Display author block - Select this option to display author information. Complete the following field to format the information.
  • Use format for author block - Format author information. For example, to display the author's informal first name and last name, set this field to "[short_first_name] [last_name]". Tags available include:  [first_name], [last_name], [middle_name], [short_first_name], [short_last_name], [short_middle_name], [username], [email], [phone], [id], [company].
  • Display number of views - Select this option to display the number of views the article has had.
  • Display number of comments - Select this option to display the number of comments the article has.

Article actions block

  • Block position - Set whether the actions block appears.
  • Float Panel - This options allows to manage list of items in Float Panel.
  • Display "Print" link - Select this option to display an icon the user can click to print the article.
  • Display "Export to PDF" link - Select this option to display an icon the user can click to export the article as a PDF file.
  • Display "Save" link - This option allows to save article to a list for future reference.
  • Display "Pin" link - This option allows to print, export to PDF, etc. many articles at once.

Saving your settings

Click Save to save your settings. Click Set Defaults to remove any custom settings and restore system defaults.

Article ID: 101
Last updated: 29 May, 2019
Revision: 10
Access: Public
Views: 12071
Comments: 0