Knowledge Base

Enable searching spell suggest

Article ID: 402
Last updated: 27 Jan, 2015

To help you avoid typos when entering search terms, you can install and enable one of the following tools:

  • Pspell
  • Enchant
  • Bing spell suggest service (free or paid versions)

Each of these tools monitors the characters you enter in the search field and suggests words that match what you have typed so far and that match entries in your system data. You can then select one of the words or ignore the suggestions and continue typing.

You may find by experimentation that one of the tools works better than the others for your system and your data.

To enable spell suggest:

  1. Select Settings from the menu bar in the Admin area.
  2. In the form that appears, select the Public Area tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Search section.
  4. Locate the Search Spelling Suggest field and click the "..." button.

The form that appears shows the available spelling tools. If one is already selected and active, it is marked with a check mark. If no tool is active, you can activate one as described below.

Click Save to save your settings and return to the main form. Click Cancel to abandon your changes and close the Settings form.


Enchant is the PHP binding for the "Enchant" spelling library. Enchant provides consistency among any running spell-checkers, and adds certain features that may be lacking in any individual provider library. Click the information icon beside the tool's name to see more information.

Click the icon in the Settings column to display the Settings form. 
In the Settings form you can select the spelling library to use from the two "Active Dictionary" fields at the top of the form.

If you want to exclude some words from Enchant's attention so it does not suggest alternatives, enter the words, separated by spaces, in the "Exclude word list" field.

To make Enchant the primary spelling suggest tool, check the "Set as Primary" check box. This will deselect any other tool that is currently selected.


Pspell is a spelling-assist tool that will help you enter search terms that will return "hits". Click the information icon beside the tool's name to see more information.

Click the icon in the Settings column to display the Settings form.
In the Settings form you can select the spelling library to use from the "Active dictionary" field at the top of the form.

If you want to exclude some words from Pspell's attention so it does not suggest alternatives, enter the words, separated by spaces, in the "Exclude word list" field.

To make Pspell the primary spelling suggest tool, check the "Set as Primary" check box. This will deselect any other tool that is currently selected.

Bing spelling suggestion

This option uses the Bing API to provide suggestions for spelling search terms to match data in the system. There is a free licensed version with a limited number of uses per month by your readers, or you can purchase a license that supports more uses per month. Click the information icon beside the tool's name to see more information, and to learn about obtaining a license.

Click the icon in the Settings column to display the Settings form.

To activate Bing spelling suggestion, you need to obtain a license. Click the information icon, as described above, and either get the free license or buy one of the license" allowing higher use. When you have obtained your license, enter the information you receive in the "Bing API Account Key" and "Bing request URL" fields.

You may find that your system runs somewhat slower when using the autocomplete feature in Bing. if so, de-select the "Use in Autocomplete predictions" check box.

If you want to exclude some words from Bing's attention so it does not suggest alternatives, enter the words, separated by spaces, in the "Exclude word list" field.

To make Bing the primary spelling suggest tool, check the "Set as Primary" check box. This will deselect any other tool that is currently selected.

Article ID: 402
Last updated: 27 Jan, 2015
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 2232
Comments: 0