Knowledge Base

How can I show different content for different users?

Article ID: 234
Last updated: 16 Aug, 2019


Is it possible to create "user areas"?
We would like our customer A to see all our general documentation plus articles specific to company A, customer B to see all general documentation plus articles specific to company B (but not A) and so on.


Yes, this is possible. You do it using roles and private categories.

Set up roles and categories

First, create roles for the each company:

  • Create a role called Company A and assign all users from company A to this role
  • Create a second role called Company B and assign all users from company B to this role.

Next, create private categories:

  • Create a category specifically for Company A. Let's call it Company A documents.
  • For the Private field, check Read (note that there is a second option here, Write. This controls who can edit an article)
  • This brings up a new option, Access for selected roles. Select Company A

  • Select other options required for this category and then Save to complete
  • Do the same for Company B

Create a general category:

  • Create another category -- let's call it it User Manual -- that users in both companies can look at. Do not assign a role this time.

Create your articles

Everything is now set up.

  • When you create articles, assign them to the appropriate category - User Manual category if you want all users to read it, Company A if you only want users from Company A to read it, and Company B if you only want users from Company B to read it.

What users see

Once this is done, users from Company A can log on and read all User Manual articles, plus all Company A articles.

While a user from Company B sees:

Article ID: 234
Last updated: 16 Aug, 2019
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 9053
Comments: 0
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