Knowledge Base

Is this installed on my web server?

Article ID: 143
Last updated: 16 May, 2017

Whether or not KBPublisher is installed on your web server depends on which version you choose.

  • KBPublisher Download is installed directly on your web server, which means no monthly fees, transaction fees, email fees, etc. It has a simple step-by-step installation process. KBPublisher can be installed on virtually any web hosting account and does not require a dedicated server.
  • KBPublisher Cloud is hosted by us, and runs on a monthly or annual billing cycle. KBPublisher Cloud includes the same features as the on-premise version (KBPublisher Download), but we handle all backups and updates.
Article ID: 143
Last updated: 16 May, 2017
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 3889
Comments: 0