Knowledge Base

KBPublisher Uses

Article ID: 119
Last updated: 3 Jun, 2013

Attach it to your company web site or use it standalone in order to:

  • Share information with customers and partners
  • Provide support for products
  • Answer a list of frequently asked questions
  • Create a user manual, technical reference or APIs for your software

Use it with your intranet or standalone in order to:

  • Share information with employees or other team members
  • Set up and use policies and procedures
  • Use it as a support help desk
  • Manage project documents and other content
  • Provide training materials
  • Share other company information

The three different category types allow you to display the knowledgebase in a standard knowledgebase format, as FAQs on a page, or as a table of contents for a book or online help.

KBPublisher is highly customizable. You can use it straight out of the box, or you can customize it to match your company design and requirements. The ability to create your own categories means you can organize your topics any way you wish. You also have complete control over who sees content, and when they see it.

KBPublisher can be pretty much anything you want it to be

It's a knowledgebase

First and foremost, KBPublisher is a knowledgebase. Use it to share knowledge with others. Articles, white papers, user manuals, business processes, FAQs, online help, APIs and any other type of information you need to share.

It's a content management system

This user manual was written in KBPublisher.

We created repeatable, reusable chunks of content with templates and inserted them into articles where needed. We used the link and attach features to link to articles and files. We used categories to place each article exactly where we wanted it to be in multiple sections of the manual. We used privileges and types to control who could edit and who could view which sections of the manual. Had we wanted to, we could have used templates to create standard page formats to force our authors to use a consistent style throughout. Lastly, we used content type 'Book' to display the articles as a table of contents.

A help desk

You can use the Feedback option to create a simple help desk request system where the user logs a support request and you supply an answer either by emailing them back, posting an answer on the knowledgebase, or both. Other users can add comments to any postings. You can use the Supervisor function to route different requests to different people to answer. If you are really keen (and know a bit about HTML forms), you could set up forms in templates and have the user post these as help desk requests.

Article ID: 119
Last updated: 3 Jun, 2013
Revision: 6
Access: Public
Views: 27086
Comments: 0