We are proud to announce that the latest version of KBPublisher v5.0 is now available. We have added some much-requested features and improved existing features.
New Modules and Features
Mobile View
- Mobile View enables KBPublisher to detect knowledgebase visits made through mobile devices, smart phones or tablet PCs and automatically offer the visitor with a knowledgebase version that is optimized for mobile devices, smart phones or tablet PCs.
- This feature is only available in the Public Area of KBPublisher.
KBPublisher v5.0 updates its list of features by introducing the Content Tagging function. With content tagging, you can assign keywords to files, news, and articles in order to classify information and make searching in KBPUblisher faster and easier.
Upgrading to KBPublisher v5.0 converts all the current meta keywords of your articles to "hidden" tags, which makes the keywords invisible to the public but will still be searchable.
(This works the same as your current keywords).
Remote Authentication (LDAP Authentication)
- KBPublisher v5.0 introduces an interactive module that enables you to directly setup Remote Authentication through the KBPublsher's settings. The module also allows you to easily test and debug the Remote Authentication that you have set up.
- KBPublisher v5.0 also gives you the capability to prohibit remote-authenticated users from updating their accounts.
- The KBPublisher API v1 provides a set of RESTful services for retrieving documents and metadata.
- Allows you to retrieve articles, news, and files and also search the KB.
- CKEditor updated to v4.2.2.
- Added "Share" button so visitors can share articles on social networking sites.
- Added feature to hide private categories in the category listing screen within Admin Area.
- Added feature to view/print any article revision.
- Added feature enabling comparisons between article revisions.
- Added feature to set "Default Category" to be quickly assigned to an article or file.
- Added new setting for header, footer, and styles for custom templates.
- Added ability to skip Privileges/Roles updates on login with remote authentication.
- Added ability to Drag & Drop an image to cursor position in HTML editor.
- Added function so user can see all recent and/or popular articles.
- Other small enhancements.
Improved Items
- Improved search relevancy and usability, HTML removed from article's index.
- Improved "Reset Password" functionality.
- Improved change password, to be on a separate screen.
- Improved password security now using the more secure Blowfish algorithm.
- Improved Category filter for article listing in Admin Area.
- Fixed issue with incorrect handling of private categories in export modules, so that the top private category is not skipped.
- Fixed scheduled tasks reporting behavior so no "critical" error displays if zip is not installed.
- Fixed issue with wrong displaying MSWord characters in exported PDF.
Try it
- You can download v5.0 trial version at your Client Area
PHP version not less than 5.1.2 should be installed, recommended 5.3 and above
Upgrading to KBPublisher v5.0 converts all the current meta keywords of your articles to "hidden" tags, which makes the keywords invisible to the public but will still be searchable. (The same function as your current keywords). You can change tags form Hidden to Visible anytime.
Custom template file (Page to load) was changed.
If you are using custom template you should update Settings.
Go to Admin Area -> Settings -> Public Area -> Common and set new values for "Page template" setting.
- Instructions for upgrading your current version can be found here, please do not use option 3 for the upgrade (replacing modified files only).