We are proud to announce that the latest version of KBPublisher v7.0 is now available. We have added some much-requested features and have improved existing features.
New Modules and Features
Responsive Design
- The Public area is completely rewritten using responsive web design concepts. Pages render well across a variety of devices and window or screen sizes.
- Article action buttons such as Rate, Export to PDF, etc. are now in a floating panel and are always visible on the screen.
New layout for Admin Area
- Completely rewritten admin area layout is more user friendly and responsive.
- Searchable settings allow you to quickly find and update settings.
- A setup wizard helps you quickly set up your knowledgebase with most common settings.
- Adjustable list views allow you to set up columns in list view per user.
Page Design
- Interactive page designer allows you to modify the KBPublisher home page and Files page.
- You can move blocks, resize blocks, and add custom blocks to create your preferred layout.
Social Login
- Social login is a form of single sign-on (SSO) using existing information from a social networking service, such as Facebook or Google+, to sign into KBPublisher. It is designed to simplify logins for end users.
- Available social networking services: Google, Facebook, Yandex, VK.
Map View
- Allow visitors to get the whole map of your knowledgebase and quickly find required section.
- CKEditor upgraded to version 4.11.4
- Added an option that allows you to skip article revision creation.
- Added an option to quickly add search terms to exclude from the spell checker.
- Added an option which allows you to add custom sorting rules per category.
- Save Article allows end users to create their own featured articles list.
- Meta keywords added to import process.
- Added extra options to glossary items, such as skipping highlighting and matching case.
- Supported Sphinx version 3.1.1.
- and some other small enhancements.
Improved Items
- Diff functionality was added to Drafts module, it allows to compare different drafts revisions and see differences.
- Improved search by number behaviour. Now it searches in the content first and, if not found and the setting allows, it searches by article ID.
- "Send to friend" option now uses your email client.
- Added a "Resend email" option to registration and reset password forms.
- Added GDPR compliance options that allow you to set up "Agree to Terms" for registration form and cookie consent banner.
- Fixed a news subscription issue where news subscriptions emails were sent when the news date was in the future.
- Fixed lost history revision data.
- Fixed an issue where autosaved copies were not deleted in Drafts module.
- KBPublisher 7.0 supports PHP 7.3 and MySQL 8.0.x series.
- Custom ssl functionality where some critical pages may work under ssl was removed from version 7.0
- Instructions for upgrading your current version can be found here. Full upgrade required for this version, do not use option 3 for the upgrade (replacing modified files only).
- If you are using Automation Email tasks, please verify your Automation Email tasks after the upgrade.
- If you are using Sphinx, you need to restart it. Go to Settings -> Plugins -> Sphinx Search tab and click "Restart Sphinx Daemon after the upgrade.