Knowledge Base

Searching Knowledgebase

Article ID: 445
Last updated: 19 Apr, 2017

All API URLs listed here must be prefixed by the root API URL.
Example: or

Search all content

GET api.php?call=search


  • q (optional) - A free text search. A UTF-8, URL-encoded search query of 1,000 characters maximum, including operators.
  • in (optional) - Specifies what content to search. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to all content.
    Valid values include:
     - all (all content) 
     - article (search articles).
     - file (search files). 
     - news (search news).
  • by (optional) - Specifies where to find results. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to everywhere.
    Valid values include:
     - all (everywhere - title, article content, keywords/tags)
     - title (search in title only).
     - keyword (search in keywords/tags only). 
     - id (search by entry ID).
  • min_date (optional) - Minimum updated date. Articles with an updated date greater than or equal to this value will be returned.The date can be in the form of a unix timestamp or mysql datetime.
  • max_date (optional) - Maximum updated date. Articles with an updated date less than or equal to this value will be returned.The date can be in the form of a unix timestamp or mysql datetime.
  • posted (optional) - Date mode. If specified date posted will be used instead of date updated for above 2 parameters, min_date and max_date.
  • limit (optional) - Number of articles to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 10. The maximum allowed value is 100.
  • page (optional) - The page number of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.
  • skip_log (optional) - Do not log this query. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 0.

Search Articles only

You can narrow your search by specifying in argument.

GET api.php?call=search&in=article


  • All arguments listed in Search all content section +
  • cid (optional) - The id of a category to search. If specified, only matching articles posted to the category will be returned.
  • child (optional) - Specifies whether to search in child categories or not. If specified, articles posted to the category (cid) and in all child will be returned, it defaults to 1.
  • custom (optional) - Specifies whether to search in custom fields. If specified, only articles matching the specified custom values will be returned. You can find custom field IDs in KBPublisher's custom field listing. 
    • custom[custom_field_id]=custom_value
    • custom[custom_field_id]=custom_value_id
    • custom[5]=text
    • custom[1]=2
    • custom[4]=2,2

Search Files only

You can narrow your search by specifying in argument.

GET api.php?call=search&in=file


  • All arguments listed in Search all content section +
  • cid (optional) - The id of a category to search. If specified, only matching files posted to the category will be returned.
  • child (optional) - Specifies whether to search in child categories or not. If specified, files posted to the category (cid) and in all child will be returned, it defaults to 1.
  • custom (optional) - Specifies whether to search in custom fields. If specified, only articles matching the specified custom values will be returned. You can find custom field IDs in KBPublisher's custom field listing. 
    • custom[custom_field_id]=custom_value
    • custom[custom_field_id]=custom_value_id
    • custom[5]=text
    • custom[1]=2
    • custom[4]=2,2

Search News only

You can narrow your search by specifying in argument.

GET api.php?call=search&in=news


  • All arguments listed in Search all content section + 
  • custom (optional) - Specifies whether to search in custom fields. If specified, only articles matching the specified custom values will be returned. You can find custom field IDs in KBPublisher's custom field listing. 
    • custom[custom_field_id]=custom_value
    • custom[custom_field_id]=custom_value_id
    • custom[5]=text
    • custom[1]=2
    • custom[4]=2,2
Article ID: 445
Last updated: 19 Apr, 2017
Revision: 5
Access: Public
Views: 925
Comments: 0