Knowledge Base

Troubleshooting adding an image to an article

Article ID: 354
Last updated: 2 Feb, 2023

KBpublisher makes it very easy to add an image or picture to an article. The steps for adding a picture can be found here.
If you are still having trouble, after following these directions, check the following:

  1. Check the upload firectory setting. Go to KBPublisher Admin Area, click the Setting tab, then the Admin tab, find the setting labeled HTML editor file directory. Make sure this directory is writeable and it is accessible via HTTP. Typically, this directory will be  /home/user/www/kb_upload/ (linux) or C:/wwwroot/kb_upload (windows).

    If step 1 alone does not solve the problem, see step 2.
  2. Check the document root variable in the config file at kbp_dir/admin/ Makes sure that the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] variable matches the   HTML editor file directory setting.

    $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = '/home/user/www';
    HTML editor file directory = '/home/user/www/kb_upload';

    $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = '/home/user/www';
    HTML editor file directory = '/symlinkto/www/kb_upload';
  3. If you are on windows with IIS web server also check out this article.

Article ID: 354
Last updated: 2 Feb, 2023
Revision: 11
Access: Public
Views: 4567
Comments: 0
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