
KBPublisher Download (you host it)

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License Agreement

Licensing Options:
$398.00 USD
$698.00 USD
$1,198.00 USD
$1,498.00 USD
$1,998.00 USD

Support & Maintenance:
All license purchases include free support and maintenance for the first year. This option allows you to continue to receive support and to upgrade to any new versions after the initial 12 month support period is over. Note that your software will continue to work if you do not purchase extra support and maintenance. This is only if you want support and maintenance past the end of your free year.
$748.00 USD

Remote Installation Service:
Have KBPublisher professionally installed and configured by our developers. Price is for a single installation.
Please note that this service excludes installation of PHP and MySQL.
We will require the ability to remotely connect to your web server and database server.
$198.00 USD

Remove the "powered by" link:
KBPublisher includes a small copyright notice in the footer of the pages it generates. If you wish to remove the "powered by" link from one installation of KBPublisher you should purchase the copyright removal license below.
Please note that this does not allow you to remove or alter the KBPublisher logo in the KBPublisher Admin Area.
$198.00 USD

Export Plugin:
The plugin allows you to export your articles to PDF or HTML.
You can export the full knowledge base, or a nominated category.
$198.00 USD