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KBPublisher v4.0.1 release notes

ID статьи: 330
Последнее обновление: 17 апр., 2011

KBPublisher release 4.0.1 fixed several issues found in KBPublisher Release 4.0
and added some new features
  • Added settings allowing to set fontsize, fontname to PDF exporting
  • Added preview feature to News and Glossary 
  • Added multiple files upload support to "Files" 
  • Added setting allowing to add extra menu items in Public Area 
  • Fixed issue with not correct link in entry link in PDF view 
  • Fixed issue with "Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference..." in search result
  • Fixed issue with wrong page by page link generation in Glossary 
  • Fixed issue with incorrect SET NAMES sql
  • Fixed issue with badly escaped single quote in left menu
  • Fixed issue with wrong position for categories and articles blocks in Public Area.
  • Fixed issue with report chart broken if ssl is on for Admin Area
  • Fixed issue with bad title/logo image in Export if ssl is on for Admin Area
  • Fixed issue with wrong privilege tip on add user screen  
  • Fixed issue with "Page to load" setting when using it via HTTP
  • Fixed issue with incorrect subscribers stats

Upgrading from v4.0 to v4.0.1

This package is available as both a standard upgrade and as a Modified Files package. Please read here for upgrading instructions.

All downloads available in your client area.

ID статьи: 330
Последнее обновление: 17 апр., 2011
Ревизия: 5
Доступ: Открытый доступ
Просмотры: 7192
Комментарии: 0
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